Archive for the "Hardware" Category

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Promotional USB Flash Drives

USB Drives are growing in popularity and are the gift of choice for customers, potential clients and staff. I know hundreds of people who have thrown out a coffee mug but a USB drive? Never! It’s a valued gift that can be used over and over again. Records show that 40 percent of people can […]

What should be your upmost consideration when buying nook ebooks

I know you must be interested in knowing that what a matter of sanity is, then I must tell you those who have love for reading books should transform their habit towards reading e-books. You must be thinking that how reading e-books is a matter of sanity then let me tell you. If you get […]

The Ultimate Work Jungle Computing Champion, Panasonic ToughBook

We have come to rely on our computers to be part of our business armament as we venture into our work environments, whatever that may be. Only one stands tall among the Laptops with RS232 Serial Port, the Panasonic Toughbook. At one time our computers were the dainty fragile machines that need to be stationary […]

Some practical information about ‘cisco’… A commentary from an expert within the field…

Recently, I started teaching the Cisco DCUFI (Data Centre Unified Infrastructure) course, which primarily focuses on the Cisco Nexus 5000 and 7000 platforms. The demand for the course is currently high and this usually reflects the demand for the product itself in the market. My evidence is purely anecdotal but it would appear that Cisco […]

Computer consultant Need of the Hour

World has changed a lot in last some decades because of unbelievable advancement in the field of information technology. World has become a global village where everyone is connected to everything. Nothing is hidden from anyone and the delivery of information to everyone is very important. Most successful business organizations have the latest information about […]