Archive for the "Computer" Category


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Medical billing systems maintained by Many Medical Professionals

Medical billing reporting is a process that is well maintained by the hospitals, nursing homes, and other health services. There are a lot of systems for medical billing. All of them do the work differently as per the demands of the user authority but if you look at the matter of its basic functions, all […]

3D printing service and animation

3D printing service has intruded in almost all aspects of our life. Healthcare, space science, prosthetics all have found uses for this revolutionary technology. However one field which had not found any incursion by the 3D technology was the entertainment industry. This is going to be a thing of past. Already costumes are being designed […]

The future of 3D Printing

3D Printing is a new mantra and is now finding use in almost every aspect of our life. Any new technology always finds resistance and poor acceptance in the beginning. The common public is not much aware of 3D printing technology and often viewed with suspicion. 3D printing technology envisages a 3D printer which is […]

Icd-10 medical coding-A boon For Medical Professionals

ICD is a contracted form of International Statistical Classifications of Diseases. Some of the countries are still using the manual descriptive prescription and diagnostic report. But, in case of other country, or any other part of the country may not rightly recognize them. But if it is done by the coding system, all physicians of […]

Tool That Convert PST Calendars to New Outlook Shown High Sale This Time Also

If you are using IBM Lotus Notes email client then you must be running large organization and stores unlimited data in.nsf file. Lotus Notes NSF file has many elements such as tasks, to do list, journals, appointments, contacts, mails, etc. It is one of the renowned email managing clients for storing large amount of data. […]