Archive for the "Computer" Category


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Mobile Payment and NFC

Mobile payment, also termed as mobile funds transfer, mobile banking, mobile transactions, and mobile wallet generally refer to payment services functioning under financial regulation and performed via a mobile device like smart-phones using mobile payment applications. It is a substitute to payment methods like cash, cheques, or credit/debit cards; a shopper can use a smart-phone […]

Key Benefits of Cloud Management Solutions

Cloud computing or cloud based solutions have received a huge popularity and lot of attention in today’s world of technology. In fact, a lot of people even claim it to be one of the best solutions for organizations world-wide. These solutions are extremely scalable and cost-effective and are known to provide top-notch data security, and […]

Leveraging the SEZ Benefits in India

Special Economic Zone (SEZ) policy in India was declared for the first time in 2005. This act later got amended in 2006 and 2007. SEZ is taken as one of India’s growth-oriented legislations to increase foreign direct investment into the country and encourage public-private partnership to establish global standards in technology, exports and infrastructure. The […]

Why you should get OM3 Cable

  Quality and reliability are very crucial for any product or service and if they are not ensured then one might not be able to get everything according to his expectations. These factors are also vital if you are going to purchase fiber optical cable for your network because if you are not much concerned […]

Highly significant cables for your network

  There are numerous people all around the world who are not too sure about the qualities and types of various cables which can be used for networking. There are many who are not even aware of their specs and the major types which are commonly used for various networks. This makes it more difficult […]