Archive for the "Computer" Category


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What makes Computer Network Support systems beneficial?

Whenever a product is invented, a further evolution is noticed related to that product. The same case happened when computers were invented, with the invention of computers it was joined by the start of Computer Network Support systems. With the help of networking systems, today, we are able to send our important data, messages and […]

Enhanced Hearing Protection with Electronic Ear Muffs

Many are unaware about the importance of hearing protection. The world’s largest occupational health problem by the World Health Organization is noise in the workplace. Studies by Defense Research and Development Canada indicate that noise induced hearing loss (NIHL) is clearly evident after three to five years of continued or repeated exposures to levels in […]

Limitations and Necessity lead to the Innovation of Group SMS as a Marketing Tool

Who could have imagined that a small handheld device that fits perfectly in our pockets and purses would become the most convenient and efficient way to market ones products and services? Mobile phones changed the way we communicated by introducing the short message services (SMS) that allowed us to send small and short messages to […]

3D Animation makes for a Visual Delight

The making of motion cinema in an interesting and illusionary three-dimensional digital environment is what referred to as 3D animation. The 3D objects or models are carefully operated to export the sequences of picture which offer a false impression of movement or animation. The careful and perfect manipulation of the 3D models or objects determines […]

Introduction to Oracle E-Business Suite

The Oracle E-Business Suite brands itself as a complete package for business solutions.  But what is in this “package?” The answer – there are numerous enterprise applications within Oracle’s suite, and each has a unique purpose. Oracle E-Business Suite’s applications service the areas of business listed below: •   Asset lifecycle management •   Customer relationship management •   Enterprise resource planning –    Financial […]