Archive for the "Software" Category

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Tips for creating Bookmarks in MS Word 2007

You must have heard about Bookmarks, which is a permanent feature in any web browser used to store a web page or site for quick access. Most people are familiar with web browser Bookmarks but are not aware that there is a bookmark feature which is available in MS Word 2007 . Bookmark feature is […]

How to convert or edit JVC, Canon, Panasonic MOD videos on Mac

MOD is recording formats for use in digital tapeless camcorders. The formats are comparable to XDCAM EX, HDV and AVCHD. The .mod files recorded by most popular digital camcorders such as Panasonic SV AV100, Canon MOD Camcorders, JVC (MOD and TOD) and Panasonic (MOD only). MOD video can be viewed on a computer with a […]

Mobile Development – On a Constant Verge of Expansion

With the launch of high-end handheld mobile devices (also known as Smartphones), the world instantly understood their potential to support numerous software applications. Each and every individual would like to get their hands on cutting-edge technologies, and smartphones such as the iPhone, Android, BlackBerry, and Windows Mobile Devices are a constrict part of these technologies. […]

Virus & Spyware Removal Help in Keeping Your System Updated!

Suppose you have to give an important presentation in the office and after a day and night of hard work your presentation is almost ready,then the system started malfunctioning. You work hard to restart it again but all is useless, because your system is attack by a serious virus and corrupted all your files &folders. […]

Hiring Professional Computer Repair Services is a Better Choice

The dependence of the computer is increasing, day by day, along with the increase of many hardware & software problems that affect the system and delay our work.Therefore, an efficient, reliable computer repair service has become a necessity of our life. Many of us, just to save a little money, contact then on-professional service providers […]