Archive for the "Software" Category

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How to import/convert Kodak video to iPad2?

Attention, Apple began selling the iPad 2 on its website and retail stores on March 11, Many stores in major cities sold out within hours like New York and online shipping delays had increased to three to four weeks on Sunday and four to five weeks by Tuesday. One analyst predicted conservatively that Apple would […]

How to import/convert Flip video to iPad2 on mac?

Good news, iPad2 has been sold out in many stores and its website within hours like New York since on March 11,2011, Analysts expect it to outsell its competitors and predicted conservatively that Apple would sell 35 million iPad 2s in 2011, noting that the iPad is more advanced yet cheaper than most other tablets. […]

How To Edit DVD on Mac

Best DVD editor for mac to cut/trim/split/convert DVD on mac rip DVD to powerdirector-upload DVD to cyberlink powerdirector editing DVD best converting pdf to epub for. How to edit DVD on mac how to cut/join/edit DVD how to create/edit/embed subtitles in videos using jubler and avidemux under win/linux/mac – how to add new subtitles to an existing […]

Stay Ahead in the Car Rental Industry with Car Rental Program Software

To stay ahead in the car rental industry, you have be armed with the best materials you can use in facing all the challenges that goes hand in hand in running a medium-scaled business venture. Get auto leasing software that will give you the most benefits in keeping your car rental business on top of […]

The Relation between Reverse Logistics and Supply Chain

Reverse logistics plays an important role in supply chain solution. This is an after sales procedure where goods are returned by the customer to the distributor and ultimately to the manufacturer. Reverse logistics helps manufacturers to understand the customer’s reactions, the quality of their goods, performances of the vendors and the effectiveness of the marketing […]