Archive for the "Software" Category

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How to convert/import flip video to imovie

Flip Camcoders become more and more popular, it include Flip Mino, Flip Mino HD, Flip Ultra, Flip Ultra HD, the flip products are very useful and powerful. If you want a fun and easy to use device that fits in your pocket, you’ll love this. The video quality is very good and makes great videos […]

How to play MOD on Mac or Apple devices?

MOD is recording formats for use in digital tapeless camcorders. Next is the list of MOD camcorders: Panasonic MOD camcorders 2003: SV-AV100 (SD card) 2005: SDR-S100 (SD card) 2006: SDR-S150 (SD/SDHC card) 2007: SDR-S10 (SD/SDHC card), SDR-H18 (HDD, SD card), SDR-H200 (HDD, SD/SDHC card) 2008: SDR-H20 (HDD, SD/SDHC card), SDR-H60 (HDD, SD/SDHC card) 2008: SDR-S7 […]

Windows Mobile Capabilities

The future of the business world is one without boundaries or wires. The mobile/ wireless market is one of the fastest growing fields in the IT industry, meaning that technology companies must constantly develop innovative new devices, services and applications to separate themselves from the competition. Software developers in particular are turning to Microsoft Windows […]

How to transfer Apps Songs Data Photos Games from iPhone and iPod touch

You already got an iPhone, now you got the new iPhone 4 or iPod touch. You want to transfer the files from your old iPhone to the iPhone 4, including Apps, Contact, Songs, Movies, Games, Photos, etc. Or your computer crashed and you lost all your iTunes library, you want to retrieve the data files […]

Web Team Roles and Responsibilities

Many people are involved in any web project. Different web projects require different web teams who have their roles and responsibilities. Content Expert/Client: Mostly a Content Expert is a Client who determines the project objectives, target audience and user needs, site information and its architecture, provides content materials and other additional resources, provide feedback on […]