Archive for the "Software" Category

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M4V to Flash Converter for converting iTunes video to Flash on Mac

M4V, developed by Apple particularly for iTunes, is similar to mp4. And apple has the copyright for it. Besides Apple iTunes and Apple QuickTime Player, M4V files can also be opened and played with the version of Windows Media Player. It is an excellent video for Mac iTunes users, but not for those who like […]

Best Practices for eDiscovery in 2011

According to Wikipedia, a best practice is defined as “a management idea which asserts that there is a technique, method, process, activity, incentive or reward that is more effective at delivering a particular outcome than any other technique, method, process, etc. The idea is that with proper processes, checks, and testing, a project can be […]

How to Get Faster Boot Times

A faster boot up seems to be an elusive goal more than a reality. However, you can decrease the time it takes to start up your computer in Windows by minutes in some cases. With just a few tweaks, you can get your boot up time down to 30 seconds and not 20 minutes. This […]

Supply Chain Postponement Delivers Results

As customers are becoming accustomed to advanced technologies and interactive media, their increasing demands for high customization levels without any delays and without any additional costs are creating terrorizing challenges for businesses. As companies attempt to provide the products at reduced costs, quality suffers and makes the products unfit for use after a short period […]

EDRM Model, the Foundation of the eDiscovery Process

eDiscovery is an intricate process involving precision, clarity of thought, and a keen eye for detail. However, only very few can boast of these attributes as even seasoned litigators can lose track while attempting to perform successful eDiscovery. The difficulties faced by some litigators during the eDiscovery process can be attributed to possible neglect of […]