Archive for the "Software" Category

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The way to Create An Excellent Working Backup Copy Of your Video Game.

Video games are not low cost, it’s extremely expensive, and nothing will be worse than to lend your game disk to somewhat of a buddy just to acquire the broken or perhaps some scratches about the disc that forces to purchase the original game continuously. Well, after looking through this article, you will be able […]

Flip video converter for mac, mac Flip video converter

FAQ: When many friends import flip video to Mac, iMovie, iTunes, iDVD,Quicktime etc, many problems pop up, just as below: a:Connect my flip camera with Mac through usb, but can not play flip video on my Mac? b: I’m trying to import videos from my flip video camera into imovie, etc on my mac. every […]

AMV converter for mac

If you happen to buy a MP4/MTV player with video playback support that can only play AMV files, chances are you are using one of the Chinese made MP4/MTV portable players, otherwise known as S1 Mp3 Player. Don’t panic, AMV files is nothing but a propriety video format. If you need to put your torrent […]

Kodak company announced new Kodak PlayFull HD pocket video camera

Eastman Kodak Company introduced one new addition to its award-winning pocket video camera portfolio in January 4th, 2011 – the Kodak PlayFull HD Pocket video camera that’s packed full of features in an ultra slim and chic design, The new Kodak PlayFull video camera features Kodak’s exclusive Share Button making it easy for you to […]

Registry Cleaner Reviews – Get the Best Registry Cleaner for your PC

Modern registry cleaners come in a wide range nowadays. They have different designs, features, functionality, and much more. However, it’s not always easy to even know where to begin if you’re not familiar with your computer’s registry and such software. In the beginning, back in the early 90s, there were not many registry cleaners at […]