Archive for the "Software" Category

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Receive, Process and Deposit Rent Payments Automatically!

One of the major challenges of being a landlord is collecting rent payment and getting paid on time. Of course, there are instances that you have to understand a tenant’s current circumstances and allow late payments. However, it is a whole new different story if you cannot collect rent because of a lame rent collection […]

Adobe seeks role in development

Software maker is looking to expand into marketing and advertising Sitting at Adobe Systems Inc’s office in the World Trade Center skyscraper in Beijing, Julian Quinn, the company’s vice-president for Asia Pacific, sees business opportunities in the buildings surrounding him. “China represents a huge business potential for Adobe as the nation’s cultural industry is booming,” […]

Securing Your Data Center Infrastructure with the Right Solutions

Most IT organizations these days are pressurized between improved performance expectations, growing data and network bandwidth, cost reduction targets, converged architectures and technology innovations. To minimize the risk in the data center, it is necessary to ensure that data center is more secure, better performing, has lower downtime, is more compliant and makes changes more […]

Anti-Counterfeiting Solutions Ensure Brand Protection

The Internet with its technological upgrades has provided the business world a wide scope for expansions. After globalization, the enterprises, in their attempt to meet the cut throat competition prevalent in the industry, have today forayed into the world of electronic commerce or e-commerce. This gives the organizations a myriad of opportunities to market their […]

Business Datasets – The Conceptual Framework for BI

From my experience as a BI practitioner, one observation I have is that analytical systems are often built without a clear conceptual framework around the informational capability enabled by such systems. In my humble view, an orientation towards ‘thinking by business datasets’ and an artifact like the Business Dataset Bus Matrix (BDBM), illustrated in this […]