Archive for the "Software" Category

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Addressing Storage Needs with a Competent Unified Storage Solution

Most likely to become the customary storage platform in the data center, Unified storage is said to be both the present and the future of data storage. It is a significant tool that helps address many data center challenges and is a perfect data center solution for increasing storage efficiency as well as improving business […]

Voice Recorder can sort out many recording issues

Voice recorder is not a recent invention. It is invented lots of years ago. Previously, it was not so improved. Voice recorder is an instrument that is used for recording voice of all kinds in all purposes. For this reason we have got a lot of types of voice recorder system. The use of this […]

e-Procurement: Procurement Process for the Tech Savvy Organizations

Business enterprises both large and small deal with exchange of goods and services and the transaction is either in the same form or in cash. The process of buying of supplies and services, for use in the business process is termed as procurement.  With technology being integrated into every system, most business houses use automated […]

Do financial institutions derive good mileage out of mobile banking services

In a complex world where competition rules the roost, banks are always on the lookout for novel strategies to enhance customer service. Needless to say, financial institutions earn name and fame only when they offer spotless customer service. In their attempt to win customer confidence, institutions are making good use of mobile banking services to […]

What should be the features of online restaurant booking system?

When you are in the market for an online restaurant booking system, the following are some of the features that you should test run before you finally settle on that one all system that you believe captures the fancy of your restaurant. Foremost your restaurant booking system should have a fully secure reservation and cancellation […]