Archive for the "Software" Category

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Advantages of Digital Management

Today computers are an integral part of any business enterprise. It helps not only to enhance business processes but also to manage present and future requirements as the business enterprise grows and expands. The advent of computers has made it possible for companies and organization to manage digitally their vast amount of data while computerization […]

After Sales Service Important for Retaining Customers

Most businesses expend their energy in attracting new customers. However as long as they do not come up with effective strategies to retain existing customers they can no longer attain business success. Businesses can survive if they focus their attention more on retaining customers rather than attracting new ones. And the best way to retain […]

Reverse Supply Chain, an Integral Part of a Supply Chain Process

Supply chain can be defined as the flow of goods, information, and finances from supplier to manufacturer to wholesaler to retailer to consumer. The Council of Logistics Management define supply chain as “the process of planning, implementing and controlling the efficient, cost-effective flow of raw materials, in-process inventory, finished goods and related information from the […]

Tools That Can Make Your eCommerce Venture a Big Success

The social networking sites have opened the doors for lucrative ecommerce opportunities. You will find numerous marketing campaigns on these sites that are buzzing with non-stop activities. Online shopping has become the popular mode of doing business for the modern generation. Everybody is in a hurry nowadays and they seek fast and correct resolutions. The […]

Brand Name Protection for the Online Consumer Electronic Market

Technological innovations and customer demands have paved the way for unprecedented growth recorded in the consumer electronics industry.  However, as new products or updated versions hit the market, this industry becomes especially susceptible to excessive discounting. Further, wide usage of Internet has seen a growth of e-commerce sales in the sector, which calls for pricing […]