Archive for the "Software" Category

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Benefits Of Making Phishing Awareness A Necessity

The main objective of phishing attacks and phishing emails are to deceive or trick an individual user by making him/her think that the source of the mail is authentic. Phishing attacks are meant to steal people of their private and confidential data. There have been numerous instances, where individuals and employees of leading enterprises have […]

Superior Product Quality with Advanced Product Engineering Solutions

In today’s word that is technologically driven, the importance of innovation and product development is constantly growing.  Enterprises need to develop innovative products faster and more efficiently to stay ahead of competition. Although everyone recognizes the importance of quality, reaching desired quality goals is often elusive in an environment beset by schedule pressures and budget […]

Managing Ideas – An Organizations Greatest Asset

“There is no way to create wealth without ideas. Newcomers create most new ideas. So anyone who thinks the world is safe for an incumbent is dead wrong.” –Gary Hamel, chairman, Strategos Ideas can indeed be quite invigorating, whether they are good ideas or bad ones, they invoke strong passions. If anyone suffers from the […]

Is there real difference between mobile web development and the normal web development

For information seekers, internet has turned out to be a spring of information as well as a reliable source that is growing popular by the day. Building a website is now looked upon as a ’must have’ strategy to bring in more customers, where the site is also used as an ideal platform to trumpet […]

Advantages of icd-10 medical coding

This icd-10 medical coding has been implemented in almost every state. The implementation of this coding structure has brought major changes in billing and coding industry. In this article, you will come to know about the features of icd-10 coding structure. It has near about 3 to 5 digits. Digit 1 is a letter, 2 […]