Archive for the "Software" Category

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Mac DVD Creator Easy to Burn Canon FS MOD to DVD on Your Dreamed Lion

“I have recently purchased a MBP however all my video’s I placed on my external hard drive are all in a format that mac does not recognize i.e. My canon FS MOD files and now I have finally got my dream machine and want to make mo vies I cannot do so, would appreciate any […]

Grey Markets: Shadows Affecting the Trademarks

The growth of technology and the Internet has paved way for the growth of the e-commerce market. As companies go global with their products and services, the e-commerce route seems to be the most beneficial for the growth of an enterprise, expansion of its customer base and growth of its revenue. However, the growing e-commerce […]

How to securely lock your account temporarily?

Some windows password reset tools can remove or reset windows login password when you are out for computer, thus, we cannot say your computer would be 100% inaccessible by others. However, you can protect your account information to some extent. In windows, we can press Winkey+L to lock our account when we have to leave […]

What to do if windows 7 password is forgotten and expired?

When the password expired (In windows 7, by default it is 42 days maximum password age), at the logon screen, the windows will ask for the old password and require a new password. What if you return from a long journey, and forgot the old windows 7 password? When windows 7 password is forgotten and […]

Phishing Attacks: A Major Case Of Cyber Security Lapse

Communication being vital for an organization, the growth of a globalized workspace, has led employees to make the best use of the technological innovations. The mobile workforce uses the Internet and the corporate networks to keep in touch with their corporate workstation.  However, the growth of Internet, e-commerce, mobile computing and vast use of social […]