Archive for the "Software" Category

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Leverage Your Social Presence with Facebook Analytics

Social networking has taken on a completely new paradigm shift. So much so that the leading brands too are foraying into the social media sphere for their promotions, image management, extensive customer reach, communication and other online activities.  Facebook as a social networking portal has gained significant popularity amongst individuals as well as enterprises. Purpose-built […]

Restore your Business with Anti-Counterfeiting Solutions

The theft of intellectual property and a flourishing market for counterfeit goods has become an accepted fact in the business environment. The undaunted existence of the counterfeit market has become a stubborn problem and affects the revenues of genuine companies and tarnishing their well-earned reputation. The pharmaceutical industry is one of the badly affected industries […]

PAD File Submission for More Sales

A PAD file could also be termed as Portable Application Description that is a single file offering all the details about an application. This also means that software authors can show the information to customers in advance instead of thinking about the answers every time. Besides, PAD File also has the feature of recording all […]

Tips on How to Speed Up a Slow Computer

We all know nowadays computers always get hard tasks to do, such as play games, listen to music and so on. These all take up a lot of space and resource. Consequently computer becomes slower and slower, which is really upsetting. But do you know how to change this situation? This article will reveal the […]

Hire dedicated iPad Developer from Weblineindia

iPad, a tablet PC is best creation of Apple Inc. It has changed all the aspect of mobile Phone and it use. It comes with advanced features that can enhance the experience of browsing on the Internet through mobile phones. It has virtual keyboard, wide screen size, LED-backlit display, iCloud stores, Dual-core A5 chip, thin, […]