Archive for the "Software" Category

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Increase Your Revenue With a Web Based Hotel Management System

One of the biggest boons of the Internet has been the invention of various kinds of software. These have helped us not only in managing photographs, managing data and watching movis but also have helped immensely in our businesses. There are many softwares which make the work at the office easy. In the hotels, the […]

Make the Most of Online Trade with Innovative Ecommerce Solutions

With the rapid pace of internet boom, scopes and opportunities in online trade and ecommerce has increased leaps and bounds. Today, online trade and ecommerce is a flourishing industry, not only nationally but also globally. Hence, in order to drive the operations smooth and ensure proper revenue generation and customer retention, online traders today require […]

iPhone Application Development and iPad Application Development undisputable kings of mobile apps development

Launch of iPhone has changed the way of we have used our smartphone and ended an era of Symbian smartphone with the slash, and so as Apple did it with launch of iPad. We believed that, ‘well’ it will take some time for us to be mobile computing maniacs and use of tablets will be […]

SaaS Tenant: Building or Reusing Available SaaS Framework for your Product

An emerging software delivery model, ‘SaaSTenant™ 2.1’ (Software as a Service) allows developers to leverage their existing .NET assets and expertise to build true cloud optimized software as service offerings. Leo Technosoft’s Saas Tenant application offers cost-effective solutions, the benefits of which spread across the sectors, one of them being the maximum return on investments. […]

Things to Remember and Consider Before Choosing a Programming Language

Java, .NET, PHP, Python, Ruby on Rails….which is the best programming language of all? While this decision may be crucial for a web developer, the average business owner is rarely bothered about these choices. For him, any language that’s easy and affordable to use would suffice. Choosing the right programming language is important, but not […]