Archive for the "Software" Category

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Importance of Quality Assurance and Independent Verification

Software product development, as the name defines, refers to those activities involved in the development of software products from its conception to its manifestation. It is a complex process involving a myriad of activities that include but are not limited to research, new development, prototyping, modification, reuse, re-engineering, and maintenance. Though software developed can be […]

So Easy To Convert Flash SWF To Video For Uploading To Youtube

“Does anyone know of an SWF to video converter for Mac? Is there a (preferably) free way to doing this? Or can it be done with Quicktime Pro? Because I wouldn’t mind paying for that, as I would use it more than once or twice… I have a load of old videos I made in […]

Data Security With Hotelogix Property Management System

It is very important to secure data when you are in the hospitality business. You are in a business of taking a lot of confidential details from the people who are giving you the same with a lot of trust. Running a hotel thus is not only about room bookings, housekeeping but is a lot […]

Evaluation Programs to Influence Customer Buying Decision

The world today is a customer-centric world with the customers having the power to make or break a product. They can move products from the most favored list to the least favored one very easily. Hence, it is highly necessary for businesses to ensure that its customers are happy and satisfied with their products. When […]

Something about Software Submission

Something about Software Submission Usually, to sell more software online, the very first factor would call to the thoughts are to draw in more site visitors towards the websites. Yes, you heard right. But how to sell software? I believe, among the simplest and best ways would be to submit software to download sites, because […]