Archive for the "Software" Category

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The New, New Thing – Next-Gen SaaS Integration

Traditional SaaS integration solutions have focused on just moving data in and out of SaaS applications. This approach may be fine for some scenarios such as data migration, reporting or synchronization. However, it is quite limiting because real world business problems require users to interact with data flows to review information, make decisions and route […]

Netopia Router Can Free Your Network From Wires

Networking is one of the important inventions in the history of computers which made a sudden change in the way people work all around the world. Computer users were easily able to transfer files and share system resources with other network users. The earlier concept of networking was connecting wires among computers to form a […]

Fundamental Rethinking and radical redesign of business process through Process modeling software

Every business process requires starting anywhere, and one of the things we require to do when modeling processes is to determine how your business processes get kicked off. To create a business process model, you need to start by defining what the process is aiming to achieve, and how it fits with other processes. The […]

Video Format Conversion

Did you ever get the message “Format not supported” while trying to play a video on your media player? Windows users probably have faced the problem when you tried to play MOV, MP4 or M4V files in Windows Media Player. And for Mac users the problem would appear when you try to play AVI or […]

Why Companies Should Opt for Efficient Training Management Systems

There are better ways for monitoring the effectiveness of the organisation’s education and training efforts. Managers who work for registered training organisations or RTOs can benefit from a software program that administers instructor-led e-learning courses and keeps track of student progress. This program is called training management systems that are used internally by managers. The […]