Archive for the "Software" Category

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Requirement Management- Handling Changes With Ease

The goal of any business, whether, industrial or corporate, is defined by its requirements. Requirements form the foundation of a project plan. It defines the purpose of a project and determines the product or service. Success and failure of a project in terms of achieving the goals is dependent on its correct and complete understanding […]

All Cost of ERP Implementation

ERP implementation has become an utmost necessity for most of the business organizations; therefore the cost of ERP implementation must be seriously considered. The implementation cost varies with different ERP systems and depends upon a number of constant and variable factors. Different vendors offer different types of ERP systems with varied features suitable for different […]

SAP, Oracle and Dynamics Comparison

SAP and Oracle service providers have been ruling the ERP market past few decades with Microsoft Dynamics gradually catching up with the popularity. Both SAP and Oracle ERP systems are purported for big sized organizations stretching beyond the geographical boundaries that see millions of data interactions daily. On the other hand, Microsoft Dynamics has been […]

Benefits Of ERP – Enables End-To-End Integration

ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) implies “integration of the business processes” of the different functional units of any organization. Present day economic scenario demands best management and effective planning of the business processes resulting improved production in lesser time period. This has become the motto of every middle and big sized organization necessitating ERP implementation. In […]

Annual Maintenance Cost of ERP Software

ERP implementation involves huge financial investments that do not end with implementation. Therefore, it is essential for a proper analysis of the expenses that should include hidden costs, direct and indirect costs and Annual Maintenance Costs (AMC) of ERP software before fixing a deal. Selection of the right ERP software according to the requirement and […]