Archive for the "Software" Category

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Transfer and playback Flip Video to iPad

iPad is far superior to a Smartphone for showing off snapshots and home mo vies. Getting photos onto the device isn’t too hard. But getting your home movi es onto the iPad so you can share them is not nearly as easy, I’ve been poking around with different ways to get the videos taken with […]

Burn your flip video to dvd on windows with flip video converter

Many flip video camcorder users tend to take many flip videos since it is very easy to take videos with a flip video camcorder. When you take quite a big amount of flip videos, you may run into the issue of backing up flip videos or archiving flip videos. Saving your flip videos on your […]

How to add special background effects to webcam?

Webcam is a very common and necessary item for modern people. Almost every computer user has the experience of using webcam. A webcam is a video camera which feeds its images in real time to a computer or computer network, often via USB, ethernet or Wi-Fi. People use webcam to take snapshots, chat with others […]

Database Sharding

Database Sharding is a popular concept used for scaling databases. Basically, it means that instead of storing data in one database, you distribute the application data across multiple databases. Why would you want to do that? Simply put, Database Sharding is the #1 way to scale your database. It’s done by many SaaS companies, the […]

Top iPhone iBooks (ePub, PDF, Audiobook) to Mac Transfer

iPhone iBooks iPhone is a combination of camera phones, personal digital assistants, media players and handheld wireless communications devices, from Apple (Apple, Inc.) CEO Steve Jobs (Steve Paul Jobs) in January 2007 9, announced at Macworld, June 29, 2007 in the United States. Mobile phone, widescreen iPod and Internet device ─ iPhone will be three […]