Archive for the "Software" Category

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Free Antivirus Software- Powerful And Beneficial For Your PC

Its a fact that thousands of viruses are unleashed on the internet each day. To protect your PC from their harmful effects, you will require the best free anti virus software possible to shield your PC from every possible online threat. As there are many different types of threats in addition to viruses, it is […]

Enhancing Customer Experience with Knowledge Management

Knowledge Management plays a key role in improving the customer experience. With the right knowledge management technologies, customer service representatives have access to the required information at the right time, thereby enabling more knowledgeable, efficient, and effective customer service interactions. It provides the answers to their questions and provides guidance on resolving issues at their […]

How to convert AVCHD on Mac

1. What’s an AVCHD file? AVCHD stands for “Advanced Video Codec High Definition”, the format was jointly established by both Panasonic and Sony in 2006. The “AVCHD” is a brand new high definition (HD) digital video camera recorder format recording 1080i*1 and 720p*2 signals onto certain media by using highly efficient codec technologies. The “AVCHD” […]

Tips for keeping your Computer Virus free

Many people say that the best way to keep your computer safe from viruses is to not connect to the Internet. However, in modern times, this may be quite a difficult task as many people use the Internet for work and not just entertainment. In this case you will always need antivirus protection, but many […]

Things you should look for when selecting the Antivirus Software

Computer viruses were something unknown until 198e when a person named Fred Cohen became the first person to define viruses as malicious programs which can infect personal computers and modify them in order to access sensitive data. His explanation stated that these programs can easily spread throughout computer systems and the Internet in order to […]