Archive for the "Software" Category

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Don’t be a Brick Wall – Create a Great Customer Service Experience

Master the Customer Service Experience by delivering consistent, knowledgeable conversations with customers across every channel — email response, customer service chat, phone, and the Web self service. For any business to succeed creating a loyal customer is important. In today’s highly competitive world having good product and price is important but, customer service is now […]

Its 1 am! Do you know what your offshore team is doing?

You probably do because you are on the phone with them! For all of you working in some technical management capacity here in Silicon Valley, allow me to describe your day. Wake up and get to the office by 9. Put in a whole day’s worth of work attending meetings, planning, designing and developing cool […]

How to enjoy you avchd video to iPhone on Mac freely?

While you’re surprized for awesome iPhone 4 coming, let’s have a brief review about iPhone 4: 1.New frontal camera to talk face-to-face; 2.16GB or 32GB flash drive; 3.9.3mm thick and 24% thinner than iPhone 3GS; 4.3.5 inch multi touch display which offers 960×640 pixel resolution at 326 pixels per inch; 5. Video formats supported: H.264 […]

Android Developer Jobs – Requirements of Android Developer Jobs

The Android platform is an eminent OS today and the Android applications are fast becoming a competent competitor of iPhone applications in terms of gaining visibility. Therefore, if you would have a fair idea of the saas applications it worth considering Android developer jobs as a career opportunity. However, some essential qualities are required to […]

How to burn flip video to DVD free on Mac with iDVD?

Burn flip videos to DVD on mac with Apple iDVD Flip video cameras have made it super easy to take videos, and many flip video camera users tend to have a big amount of flip videos taken on different occasions. One good way to store and archive flip videos is to burn flip to DVDs. […]