Archive for the "Software" Category

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Aktualisierung der Nintendo Firmware 1.4.3

Es ist ein ganzer Monat seit der letzten Aktualisierung der Nintendo Firmware vergangen. Damals ging es um die Aktualisierung von Version 1.4.1 auf 1.4.2. Am 30. Juni (also heute) hat es Nintendo mal wieder geschafft und eine ganz neue Firmware für den DSi und den DSi XL veröffentlicht: es handelt sich nun um Firmware Version […]

School Management System Software for Independent School Management

Schools have much to monitor and handle in education settings today. Administrators manage all personnel and monitor student data. Student achievement is of high importance on a global level today. The traditional one room schoolhouse is far in the past forever. For that matter, so are small schools with just a few classes. Today, schools […]

Some Great Features of Parental Control Software

Here in this article the main concentration is on some great helpful features of Parental control software or also called as parental internet monitoring software. Using parental control software is the best way to protect your child from threats occurring online on internet. It is basically a computer monitoring software with great powerful applications in […]

Graphics video adapter driver

The Video Adapter Drivers website gives one and access to a large database of drivers and is categorized by manufacturer and version of device. We aim at helping you to establish the official name of the driver device and hence make it easier for you to track down online. We also help in providing shortcut […]

Important Factors To Consider When You Buy Backlinks

Are you a beginner in the internet marketing domain? If so, there are some important factors to consider. Firstly, it is very important to know about search engine optimization and the benefits of using this program for your website. With the help of this service, you will be able to improve your page ranking up […]