Archive for the "Software" Category

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How to convert FLV to MP4 on Mac for playing Flash FLV on Mac

What is FLV? FLV, standing for Flash Video, is one of the most popular video format on the Internet. FLV files are commonly found on the Internet, especially on these websites: YouTube, Google Video, Yahoo! video, Myspace, etc. What is MP4? MP4, short for Moving Picture Expert Group-4, is also one of the most popular […]

Iphone application development – A dynamic power for your iphone

The iPhone is a power product from the house of the world famous Apple Inc. Ever since Apple has joined the gadgetry world it has been able to win the attention and trust of millions of users worldwide.  It is sophisticated, classy, stylish and highly functional gadget so it is a desired amongst the new […]

Blackberry Application Development- Today’s dominating smart phone

Blackberry is one name that has become a synonym for smart phones in today’s gadgetry world. That’s because Blackberry was the first name to make a serious impact in the mobile phone market with its range of handy, sophisticated and classy smart phones that looked professional all the way. But apart from all its attractive […]

Winning Advertising Contract for Your Website

Understanding your advertisers is one of the key factors in winning their contracts. If you know their services, products, advertising objectives, requirements, needs and goals, you can make your offer stronger by emphasizing the quality of your audience to smaller advertisers, or highlighting the number of page views (i.e. reach) to brand builders. 1. Number […]

The best AVI Splitter for Mac: split/cut big AVI files for YouTube/DVD/CD

There are so many people would like to share their interesting or favorite videos with other people on YouTube, however YouTube just allows 10 minutes per video. Meanwhile, a lot of people want to burn a batch of videos to CD or DVD, but every CD/DVD has size limit. Not only CD/DVD, memory sticks and […]