Archive for the "Software" Category

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Remove DRM from Nook, how to remove/strip drm from nook epub

I am a reader and i have a lot of purchase from Barnes and Noble, but recently i want to switch to sony reader because i found it more stylish and neat, the problem is, i can’t transport my Barnes and Noble purchased nook book to any other devices since they are DRM protected, then […]

IPhone Apps Finally Fitness regime on Finger tip

This article is about the iPhone apps which are available for fitness lovers. These fitness apps are developed by iPhone app developers. Apps are downloaded by the new comers for fit and energetic life. It has been researched that following fitness routine for a long time is a difficult process. The boredom factor is too […]

How to configure a CRM software?

The Microsoft Dynamics Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software is designed to connect more than one user to the same address book with different computers. The CRM software is engineered to establish sales and marketing devices on a particular network. The program gives a better platform to the business connectivity options. With help desk utilities of […]

The Different Phases of Web application Project

Web applications are business policies and strategies implemented on the Web through user, data and business services. The tool is helpful in future business transactions. Web application development is needed for the business entities for secure and guarded networking. It maybe a small transaction involving fund transfer – web application development enhances the flow of […]

How do I import HD video to Final Cut Pro for editing

HD video (High-definition video) refers the video which have higher resolution than SD (standard-definition) video, and most commonly involves display resolutions of 1,280×720 pixels (720p) or 1,920×1,080 pixels (1080i/1080p). AVCHD is one popular HD format used by HD digital camcorders to record their footage. Brand digital camcorders Sony and Panasonic were first to release their […]