Archive for the "Software" Category

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Datacenter Hosting – Say No To Power Outage

Datacenter hosting is all about keeping a dedicated resource that would run and hold your devices. It means hosting anything that could range from switches, phones and servers. Datacenters have stable cooling and power that are supported by the generators. Generally, there are no power outages. These utilities have surplus data paths and power. Any […]

A useful 3D Graphics Application and Bitmap Graphics Editor

Downloading a host of applications – like word processors, presentation software similar to Microsoft PowerPoint, PDF convertors etc are very much possible for free of cost. This list majorly contains 3D content creation suite called Blender – which works well with all major operating platforms – and an award-winning program – Tux Paint – which […]

Do we need SaaS Applications in 2011

Did you know that globally revenues of software as a service (SaaS) within the enterprise application software market was pegged at $9.2 billion in 2010, a whopping 15.7% jump from $7.9 billion in 2009? As per research firm Gartner, SaaS market is projected for stronger growth in 2011 with worldwide SaaS revenues totaling $10.7 billion, […]

How to use kodak video to DVD Crator to burn DVD from kodak camera footages?

More and more people goes in for photography with camcorders to record their happy life time and then burn the shootings to DVD for future enjoy with family or share with friends. M ovies from Kodak camcorders such as Kodak Zi8, Kodak PlaySport, Kodak PlayTouch etc are in MOV or MP4 format, which can not […]

Administering Efficient IT Management with Datacenter Virtualization

The management of IT assets and services determines the results in a business. To enable a smooth and gainful operation every process and application has to be optimized. You can think of achieving better goals only when your IT system is in the perfect working condition. If your IT management is complicated, time-consuming and expensive […]