Archive for the "Software" Category

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Goal Seeking in Excel

Microsoft Excel is a phenomenally powerful calculator. You can create spreadsheets with 10,000 lines of data and calculate subtotals instantly. Indeed, if you change your data, any totals will get automatically updated. Arguably that’s not too impressive. If we have quarterly revenues of $1m, and we secure another $20k, we can update our subtotal without […]

SAP- Enterprise Resource Planning

SAP is the German Global software house that was established by five former employees of IBM in 1972, which the intention of providing the customers with the ability to interact with a common corporate database for a comprehensive range of applications however, today the situation is totally reversed as today numerous applications have been assembled […]

Repairing MSS32 DLL error while playing games

Mss32.dll file is actually a Miles Sound System Library module installed in your computer which is usually used by media players such as WinAmp. To process complex sound system in most popular video games Mss32.dll file plays an important part. This type of file is particularly prone to corruption and damage and once the file […]

Printing Tables and Charts in Excel

Microsoft Excel was originally conceived as a calculator in which you could store your data. If you create reports in Excel, it’s probably because you can enter numbers onto a sheet and use them to derive key business metrics. That’s a bit of an over-simplification, because you may import the data from your own more […]

Different Steps of Limewire Free Download

Lots of people use Limewire, which is a computer application for peer to peer file sharing. With the help of this program you will be able to download a wide range of music, movies, documents and different programs. For it you need to perform Limewire free download to get proper access to different types of […]