Archive for the "Software" Category

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ITIL and Cloud Computing

Cloud computing grew out of the concept of utility computing. It was believed that computing resources and hardware would become a commodity to the point that companies would purchase them from a central pool and pay only for the amount of CPU cycles, RAM, storage and bandwidth that they used, much like the way you […]

Rip Blu-ray movies to BlackBerry PlayBook for watching

Like Samsung Galaxy Tab, RIM’s BlackBerry PlayBook has the power to play 1080p HD videos. It is really exciting to put and play full HD movies on the PlayBook for movie lovers. However, currently the BB-PlayBook can only support H.264, MPEG4, DivX, WMV videos and MP3, AAC, WMA audios, and the tablet doesn’t offer BD-ROM […]

Newly released iOrgSoft Mod Converter to convert Mod video files

iOrgSoft Studio, one of the world’s leading multimedia software providers of digital video conversion solutions, newly announced that powerful iOrgSoft MOD Converter is listed on the e-market. To be brief, this software is mainly designed for users to edit and convert MOD files to other common video/audio formats like AVI, MPEG-4, MOV, FLV, WMV, WMA, […]

Saving Production Costs with Inshoring

Outsourcing had turned into a sort of a refuge solution for enterprises to save on production costs. However, even during this whole uprising there were quite a few conscientious enterprises who comprehended the wide-reaching social and political backlash of opting for the easy way via outsourcing. Instead, they decided to look within the country to […]

Apple and Android: Two Trusted Names For Smart Phone Applications Development

It is true that there are the Apple iPhone applications which make this phone truly a smart mobile phone. With its range of business applications, utility applications, web applications, healthcare applications etc., these offer something for everyone. And there are a plethora of iPhone applications available for download on Apple Store with which you can […]