Archive for the "First Aid and Safety" Category

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Making Ampacity the Limiting Factor Anywhere

Technicians and electrical inspectors tasked with servicing electrical connections should take note of certain details. These include assessing the rated capacity of the electrical panel, the main disconnect fuse, as well as the service conductors. Details for additional guidelines are as follows.

Carbon Monoxide Hazardous Gases in the Home

Despite the advances in modern technology and the harm that they cause, fossil fuels continue to be in widespread use all over. Carbon monoxide poisoning is just one of the many problems that usage of fossil fuels has brought upon the civilized world. It threatens the very safety of the family yet is very much a part of the modern world we live in. It can be present in our everyday equipment from cars, heaters, and other tools.

Backpack Reins – Keeping Your Child Safe and Your Worries At Bay

When toddlers first begin to walk it can cause both anxiety and excitement for parents. Toddlers can be so curious about their environment and they love to explore virtually everything they see. At home, mum and dad take time to ensure the safety of their young explorer by making their home a safe environment. Most parental anxiety comes when they are outside their home.

Preventing the Spread of Lethal Carbon Monoxide

Carbon monoxide presents many dangers to people and its existence in the workplace is no simple matter. Most people will be unaware that it can be present in the surrounding area so it is crucial to protect them from the inherent hazards posed by carbon monoxide poisoning. The gas itself is odorless and colorless so preventing its buildup will be one of the most important means of keeping it from harming anyone.

The Danger of carbon monoxide exhaust fumes in your flat

It’s a trying affair to keep a house safe and sound. What with piercing things and trip dangers and electrical sockets, it gets even more testing to tend to a dwelling when you can’t see the dangers. The invisibleness thing is what makes carbon monoxide gas in the domicile such an insidious threat – how do you stop a slayer you can’t find?