Archive for the "Family" Category


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How to deal with uncompleted Au pair endings?

An au pair in my cluster recently had to return home unexpectedly to be with an ailing family member. Unfortunately, these types of things do happen and occasionally an au pair will need to return home before her program year is over. Before making the decision to return home, au pairs should consider all the […]

Vacation concerns with AU Pairs

Au Pairs are human too and they need off too from their daily life like all of us expect. Thus, it is important to understand their needs and requirements. Thus, if your Au pair is willing to go on a vacation let him or her go but ensure that the dates are mutually agreed upon […]

Weekend concerns of Au Pairs

Many of my recent conversations with families interested in the Au Paire Care program have included a common question – what will happen on the weekends, or in the evening? Will our au pair spend all her time with us? Or will she be out with her friends all the time? This is an understandable […]

Education concerns for Au Pairs

When it comes to completing the education requirement, some au pairs are excited to take classes, and others view it as a necessary requirement for the program. Without minimum education credits, AU pairs can’t work for long and they have to complete their credits on all costs if they want to stay in job. Our […]

Leading types of cosmetic brushes that you would need to add to your kit

When you want to create a properly textured and faultless makeup, it is required to bring together all the right makeup and tools. Your makeup kit would also require a wide range of cosmetic brushes and tools to ensure that things are done correctly every time. Brushes are something that you cannot ignore without concern […]
