Archive for the "Insurance" Category

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Should Your Long Term Care Concerns be in the News?

When someone in your family catches a fever or was brought to the hospital due to indigestion does it hit the papers?  Of course not, you’ll say, and you would even stress that only celebrities get that kind of attention.  If that’s so, how come you’ll find everybody’s long term care in the news? One’s […]

Why You Should Consider Early Long Term Care Planning

Long term care plans are not optional but compulsory, although not according to the law.  It’s the responsibility of every individual and his family to discuss the matter as early as possible as the cost of care is never going down. If you look at the records of the U.S. Census Bureau you will realize […]

You Can Manage Your Long Term Care Insurance Premium

Except for those with an annual income that is worth a billion or more, practically everybody in the country acknowledges the importance of owning a long term care insurance (LTCI) policy.  Still, many remain without one and the reason they keep postponing the purchase of a policy is the fear of having to pay expensive […]

When is it Pointless to Buy Long Term Care Insurance?

It’s pointless to buy a long term care policy when you actually need long term care (LTC) already because you won’t get any insurance company’s approval anymore. Buying a long term care insurance (LTCI) policy at the time when your health has changed for the worse is taking a shot in the dark.  While there […]

What signifies Commercial general liability insurance?

It is the major concern to go with the plans to get desirable protection against the frequently faced issues, it is an advantage to for business owners to go with plans that are especially designed for industry, and they does save money and time with there effective coverage range. Liability signifies responsibilities that are on […]