Archive for the "Insurance" Category

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Can You Afford Long Term Care Insurance?

If you were to ask me who should buy long term care insurance the answer would definitely be anyone who does not overspend on coffee, online dating, health and beauty regimen, home repair, and most especially entertainment stuff like concert tickets, DVDs and the like. According to a financial research that focuses on where people’s […]

Why We Read Long Term Care Articles

Each one of us may require long term care in the future but we will definitely have different sets of requirements.  An array of articles that disseminate long term care information will come in handy for anyone who is in search of a long term care facility that will meet all of his health care […]

What to Know About Long Term Care Insurance Daily Benefits

One of the most difficult parts of designing an insurance plan is choosing between long term care insurance daily benefits or monthly benefits.  These two are actually the choices for the benefit amount.  Most people have a hard time understanding this because they either lack useful information or proper guidance from experts regarding this matter. […]

Indemnity Long Term Care Insurance, Is It For You?

What is indemnity long term care insurance? While LTC becomes a popular insurance option, it is still quite undeniable that a large percentage of Americans still don’t have enough information about it.  New buyers even existing policy holders experience confusion in understanding the existing various types of policies.  Answer sites and health or insurance forums […]

Exploring Ways to Save on Long Term Care

Good news! Do you know that there are tons of ways for you to save on Long Term Care?  You need not deplete your savings for an expensive LTC plan.  Simply follow these quick and easy saving tips to receive quality LTC insurance at a reasonable cost. First and foremost, search online for LTC quotes […]