Archive for the "Insurance" Category

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Do You Need a Reimbursement Policy?

Reimbursement long term care insurance (LTCI) policies are considerably cheap compared to other types of policies. This is the reason most buyers go for this type of product even though it’s not what they really want. Now LTCI experts say that it’s okay for an individual not to want a reimbursement policy but buys it […]

Make Long Term Care Less Complicated

Long term care is a complicated subject but ironically, planning it is very simple especially if you are equipped with complete long term care information. If you are wondering where you are supposed to find helpful pieces of information which are relevant to long term care (LTC), you don’t have to look very far. Drive […]

Are You a Baby Boomer with No LTCI?

Are you among the small population of baby boomers who have successfully clinched a long term care insurance policy? Well and good but if you belong to the bigger uninsured population, don’t dilly-dally because long term care insurance for baby boomers is the only thing that will protect you and your family from expensive long […]

Beyond the Facade of a Long Term Care Facility

Choosing a long term care (LTC) facility for your elderly loved one based on what you see exterior wise is the biggest mistake that you can make. Many long term care facilities may look good in the outside but in reality, its residents are suffering from mental, verbal, emotional, and physical abuse. Do not let […]

Think You Are Stuck With A Mis-Sold PPI Plan … Think Again!

If you have ever signed on the dotted line in the UK, you might have been asked (or required) to add a Payment Protection Insurance (PPI) plan to your loan. There are times where a PPI plan is a good idea, and there are times when it not only is a bad idea, but not required. Some […]