Archive for the "Mortgage" Category

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A Brief about Equity Release

Equity release scheme is actually a great way to unlock the worth of the residential property, without the requirement of moving out of the house. This scheme is made use of generally by the elderly people having homeownership either having made their mortgage repayments in total, or having a petite sum left to repay. All […]

Equity release on property is easy solution to many retirement problems

On approaching retirement, financial matters are great issues that need lots of concern. It has been seen that people who have foresightedness start planning for their retirement quite in advance so that there are no hassles in the retired people. But that might not be possible for everybody. It might happen that inspite of planning; […]

Get an idea about your equity release from Equity release calculator

Equity release is the perfect, financial solution post retirement. But then how will you get to know the exact amount that can be available to you. The answer is simple, by calculating it. Most people may start worrying about how to go through the calculations. But it is something that can be easily taken care […]

Know your equity release with equity release calculator

Equity release can be defined as the cash which a person can release by either mortgaging his house or partly selling his house etc. The amount of money which he gets out of this is not under tax and he can keep the money or use it without paying any tax, till either the money […]

Equity release is a great way to enjoy life post retirement

Human life is a sea full of uncertainties. One cannot simply expect things to turn up in one’s favor every single day. There are times, hard times when one may find oneself surrounded on all sides by financial problems. And these problems tend to become severe after you retire from your job. You may want […]