Archive for the "Mortgage" Category

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Follow these tips while purchasing a mortgage deal

The world of mortgage is indeed confusing to the layman. This is so because mortgage is not very easy to understand and moreover there are countless mortgage deals available at the market place. So quite naturally, it is not a cakewalk to understand the mortgage deal which would be best for you. But it is […]

How To Refinance Your Home In To The Best Mortgage

With the current mortgage rates near all time lows, many home owners are looking to refinance their existing mortgage, and new home buyers looking to obtain a new mortgage. Both have two objectives in mind, first to get the lowest possible mortgage rate and second to obtain it with the least amount of closing costs. […]

Mortgage Calculators One of the most wanted tools today

There are many free tools available online to assist the home buyer in evaluating and selecting the correct financing package for their particular situation. Sometimes the sheer number and variety of different types of calculators make it hard to decide which to use. Home loan calculator programs are one of the most common, and also […]

The Secret to Refinancing AZ Mortgages

Can you taste the freedom you’re about to experience by learning about refinancing AZ mortgages? Join the small group of Arizona homeowners who understand the value of a good refinance plan. In short, an AZ refinance is the perfect answer for Arizona homeowners who are anxious to scale down the amount of money they pay […]

You Can Stop Mortgage Fraud

This morning I spoke to a very kind and loving lady. She was calling to find out if a Forensic Loan Audit and a Securitization Audit could help her. JP Morgan Chase had turned her down once again for a loan modification because she doesn’t make enough money to make a modified lower monthly payment. […]