Archive for the "Real Estate" Category

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Under-Declaration of Bulgarian Properties: What You Should Know

Anyone looking to buy or sell property in Bulgaria is likely to come across the act of under-declaration. In short, this is the practice, at the point of completion of a property purchase, of declaring the price of that property at a level under the price in reality. While this is, in theory,  an illegal […]

Visas and Work Permits in Bulgaria

For anyone looking to buy a property in Bulgaria, it is an exciting time, and searching with House Sales Bulgaria ( can improve the prospects of finding that dream house. Most people are looking for a holiday or second home, where they will spend a period of time relaxing each year without the need to […]

More about Lake Front Homes in Texas

Owning a lake front home is like owning a piece of heaven on earth. Can there be an experience that can match the feel of standing on the deck watching the sun rise or sun set over a beautiful lake? Or what about waking up in the morning and heading a few steps down to […]

Emerald Lake Home Sites

Lake Emerald home sites offer you a great chance to own a place near Lake Emerald. The sites offer excellent lakeside view. By investing here you get a wonderful chance to build a property in the midst of unpolluted surroundings. If you wish to own a home, first explore the sites. This would help you […]

A Retiree’s Sanctuary

All types of workers have one thing in common, which is that all of them are eventually going to retire.  What happens when you leave the workforce?  How do you spend your time?   Retirement communities in Texas offer retirees the chance to relax and unwind while providing various recreational opportunities.  For instance, in these areas […]