Archive for the "Exercise" Category

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The Benefits of Karate And Karate Suits

While we are talking about any karate equipment then the first thing which often strikes my mind is karate because it has become one of the most popular game in today’s world of sports. Not only adults are practicing this game but also many kids and older are also practicing this game due to its […]

Essential Pelvic Floor Exercise for the New Mom’s

Pelvic floor exercise is one of the important exercises for the woman right after their pregnancy. It does not matters the way the child was born whether normal birth or operated. At the time of pregnancy and childbirth the pelvic floor will be highly stressed in order to broaden so that it allows the baby […]

CrossFit Training Can Be Done Anywhere By Anybody

A typical session at CrossFit may include a variety of gymnastics, sprinting, and power lifting. These exercises are done with the weight of your own body, kettle bells and free weights. They’re done hard, fast and with little to no rest in between ‘sets’. The reason behind this is that you challenge your muscles more […]

CrossFit Training Is Not A Fad It’s Here To Stay

Throughout any given day we might find ourselves doing all sorts of different physical activities-each requiring different muscles and diverse combinations of skill sets. Cross-fitness was born out of this idea. It means to train across multiple disciplines that develop different skills such as strength, agility, speed and endurance. While modern cross-fitness was popularized by […]

Become More Physically Well Rounded With CrossFit Training

CrossFit has become massively popular in the past year or so. This has been both good and bad for the methodology or – as some would consider it – the sport. Because there are a lot of misconceptions propagating throughout the internet, I’m going to back up and lay a bit of foundation for you. […]
