Archive for the "Fitness" Category


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Tubal Reversal Surgery Changes Life

Sterilization is a medical process which destroys completely all living cells, viruses and spores. While the tubal ligation does not kill anything but prevents the sperms from fertilization. Tubal ligation is a permanent solution for not getting pregnant. In this process fallopian tubes are cut down or blocked using different techniques to break the connection. […]

What you should know about Gynecosmastia

Man boobs (also known as moobs) refers to a condition called gynecomastia as known in medicine. Gynecomstia is normally characterized by execess development of mammary glands in men, which normally happen in women. The condition causes a social and psychological effect that leads to fear, shame and embarrassment amongst men. Men suffering from this condition […]

Weight Training for Punching Power

For self defence the ability to throw a good punch is perhaps one of the most important skills to develop. This means developing technique and martial arts can help a great deal, but what also helps is to build your strength and fitness to make sure you have the ability to really hit hard. The […]

Consume Hemp Foods like Hemp Seeds – Get Rid of Skin Diseases

Healthy hemp foodstuffs like hemp seeds and hemp oil have no drug or THC substance and are extremely high in omega 3 and omega 6 necessary fatty acids (EFAs). The advantages of having these healthy hemp foods include supporting with circumstances of eczema, psoriasis and a great deal more. Hemp is also good vegan animal […]

Weight Management and a vegetarian diet

Losing weight is often a very difficult task and often requires superhuman efforts and determination to be accomplished. Weight management is not a problem during childhood, though recent studies have indicated an increase in childhood obesity. One of the reasons could be the sedentary life and lack of sporting activities in children. There are different […]