Archive for the "Fitness" Category


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Ideas For Remembering Your Past Lives

More people in the world today believe in reincarnation than don’t. For some, like the Hindus and Buddhists, it is part of their religion. For others, it just makes more sense to them. Still others may just be curious. Many of these people attempt to find out about their past lives, either through curiosity or maybe they are looking for an answer to something unexplainable that plagues them in this life. If you’ve ever been curious about past lives, there are many ways to begin your exploration.

The Power Of Mind Is Everything!

All of us remember the United Negro College Fund commercials of the 80s; or at the very least, we remember its slogan: ‘the mind is a terrible thing to waste’. While we’re talking about something different than going to university today, the slogan is definitely on point here. Our minds have a lot of potential which most of us are letting go unused. The power of the mind is something that none of us should waste and when we know how to tap into these unused resources, we can change our lives and event the world.

Ripped Abs – This is the way Anyone Can Get Ripped Abs With Least Effort

If building ripped abs is on your list of priorities when it comes to your current exercise program, do not neglect the importance of your normal strength training activities. One of the biggest misconceptions about getting ripped abs is that you have to spend hours doing ab work alone. Unfortunately this is furthest from correct. […]

Learn All Of The Remote Viewing Secrets

Are you aware that you possess a unique talent known as remote viewing? As you may have not known, everyone has the same ability. Some people know how to use it, and some do not. You will be very happy to know that there are some remote viewing secrets that will help you to bring your current abilities to life.

Yoga online, tradition and health delivered according to your convenience

The most apt and complete definition of yoga is that it is the state of union between two opposites – body and mind; individual and universal consciousness; a process of uniting the opposing forces in the body and mind in order to achieve supreme awareness and enlightenment. In today’s age, yoga has become the buzzword […]