Archive for the "Yoga" Category

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Explaining Basic Yoga Postures and How They Work

The main point of yoga postures is to teach you about breathing mindfully. This is why the postures must be completed in the right way. While doing yoga, you should be stretching your muscles, but you should never feel pain. Also keep in mind to never hold your breath. Mountain yoga poses For this you […]

Gym Swing, Yoga Swing, Fitness Swing

Introduction to Yoga Swings Yoga is wonderful and provides treatment for many diseases. Probably one of the greatest new innovations is that yoga can now be practiced with the help of a yoga swing. Practicing yoga on a swing offers many benefits: It re-aligns the spine, releases tension in our joints, ligaments and muscles, and […]

Swing for Exercise, Swing for Yoga

Swings for Yoga There are a variety of exercise equipment and fitness devices out there to help improve your health, but all of them are limited in scope in how they benefit you. A swing for yoga can do everything that you need and want, all in one piece of exercise equipment. A yoga swing, […]

Yoga Swing, Home Gym, Yoga Fitness Swing

Yoga Swings These days many people find themselves overwhelmed with a busy schedule and unfortunately experience unhealthy amounts of stress, so practicing a discipline like yoga becomes increasingly important to maintain ones health and peace of mind. After expending energy tackling everyday challenges and tasks, it becomes necessary to rejuvenate the mind and body with […]


Have you ever woken up excited to get your Zen on? You don your fave stylish yoga clothes , drive to the expensive gym just to squeeze in an hour of Yoga before going to work for the day. A crowded class, a scramble to put your mat down and ahhhh, you’ve arrived. Then you […]