Archive for the "Alternative Medicine" Category

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Acne is a symptom of something not going right with your body

Do you have a question about acne? Do you want to know what acne is, what causes it, or how to get rid of it? Probably the answers to all three of these questions would be helpful to know, since no one wants repeated outbreaks of acne. Whether you are experiencing acne as an adult, […]

Cardiac Diet – Prevent Any Risk To Heart

A cardiac diet is suggested by dieticians to patients who are at a higher risk of suffering from high blood pressure, heart problems and obesity. The diet is planned in way to make the heart healthy and to prevent any risk to heart. One of the major enemies of heart is bad cholesterol and unhealthy […]

Low Glycemic Diet – Reduce Blood Sugar Level Naturally

Glycemic index refers to the speed at which certain food products that are rich in carbohydrates break down to secrete glucose in blood stream. A low glycemic index is refers to the index which is at 55 or less. Glucose is needed to feed the various organs, brains and muscle, and food that digests glucose […]

Acid Reflux Diet – Ways to Prevent GERD Naturally

Acid reflex or GERD is the condition in which the liquid content in the esophagus refluxe back into the mouth. The acid reflux comes in contact with esophagus and it can release digestive enzymes which can cause burning sensation and irritation. Esophagus is made up of a muscular tube which has a sphincter, which closes […]

Low Cholesterol Diet – Prevent Heart Blockage

High cholesterol is invisible dangers which can cause severe damage to human body and to measure high cholesterol doctors examine the level of HDL, LDL and triglyceride levels in body. The bad cholesterol or the LDL cholesterol accumulates in the inner walls of arteries and it can block the passage whereas the HDL cholesterol is […]