Archive for the "Alternative Medicine" Category

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Home Remedies For Varicose Veins, Simple Yet Effective

Varicose veins are a condition, which is very unhealthy to have. The basic function of the veins in a human body is to carry impure blood to the heart, where it gets purified, and is then sent to the cells of the body. Thus, in that sense, the veins operate in just one way and […]

Home Remedies For Stuffy Nose, Blocked Nose, Simple Yet Effective

Stuffy and blocked nose is a common problem that happens to a lot of people during winters, and it is even more common in the case of kids. Usually when someone catches cold and has fever alongside, then this problem tends to become worse. A stuffed nose could be an individual problem that can get […]

Home Remedies For Muscle Strain, Simple Yet Effective

Muscle strain is a very common problem among people, and it is especially more common with those who are involved in high intensity physical activities such as dancing, aerobics, gymnastics or any kind of sports. While minor muscle strains can easily be dealt with some rest and some basic massages, there are also some more […]

Home Remedies For Muscle Spasms, Cramps, Pain, Simple Yet Effective

Muscle spasms, cramps and pain are a common thing among athletes, dancers, and all those people who are involved in high amounts of physical activity. Whenever the muscles of the body face extreme stress of pressure, they are bound to get exhausted, as a result of which cramps and pain start to occur. This may […]

How to boil the best medicine

1 sub-fry boiled herbsShellfish, mineral type, bone, etc. A should fry.There are oyster shells, Gefen, etc.; minerals like gypsum powder, keel, etc.; bone CPI has turtle shell, turtle shell and so on.Such drugs should fry ten minutes and then into the other drugs.Some prescription requirement must be boiled decoction of Chinese medicine,louis vuitton bags on […]
