Archive for the "Other Health" Category

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Reasons Why You Should Use Herbal Medicines When Trying To Treat eczema

Eczematous disorders present an amazing array of symptoms. Itchiness starts, followed by redness. Scaly skin happens when there is chronic scratching because when eczema hits, the skin becomes dry. There is also inflammation and blisters will eventually appear. These symptoms can go on for hours and even days. Chronic atopic dermatitis stays in the skin […]

The Relevance of Finding Natural remedies for Your BV Infection

There are many cures for the infection but finding natural tips in curing bv might be beneficial especially when you feel embarrassed about your condition. bacterial vaginosis is one vaginal infection that any woman would not want to have. Although the infection is not contagious, the symptoms are annoying and embarrassing. While it is not […]

How to Treat A Bacteria vaginosis Infection at The Privacy of Your Home

Natural remedies for vaginal bv infections can enable you to remedy the infection effectively and safely at the privacy of your home. Although bv is common to women, most of the women who have this infection feel ashamed or embarrassed that they forego consultation with their physician. As the infection is triggered by the imbalance […]

Can Acne Scars Go again After Being Ground Off With Microdermabrasion?

A few months ago I managed to grind off all my raised acne scars with home microdermabrasion. A few weeks ago, some of the scars seemed to have returned. Is this indeed what happened? If so, how can I ensure that they do not return again? Or are they breakouts? This is a popular question […]

How Efficient Is Microdermabrasion On Acne Scars?

I understand acne scars can’t be completely cured but does microdermabrasion help make them less visible, say probably 99%? And do you still need to continue going for treatments for years? So the simple question is: How effective is microdermabrasion on acne scars? Should you are wondering the same thing like the questioner above, then […]