Archive for the "Health" Category


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Turning Into a Healthy Lifestyle for Obese People

According to a number of surveys, one of the most common New Year’s resolutions in the US is ‘to reduce weight and to start living a healthy lifestyle’. This can be related to the studies showing that a huge part of the country’s population can be considered obese. The rapid growth and spread of fast […]

What is Computer Vision Syndrome & How It Can Be Dealt With

Today, vision prescriptions mainly focus on myopia (a condition in which objects farther away appear blurred) and presbyopia (an age-related condition in which it is difficult to see objects up close). However, eye doctors are now receiving more and more patients with a new problem: trouble seeing in the mid-range. The reason: In today’s world, […]

Know How to Find the Best Discount Eyeglasses Offers Online

If you have astigmatism, you probably need to wear a pair of reading glasses when poring over your books or your laptop computer. Elderly individuals who have vision problems like nearsightedness or farsightedness are also required to wear eyeglasses to correct their vision. This just goes to show how important it is to care for […]

Protecting Your Eyesight During Summer and All Year Round

Today, many Americans are well aware of the risks of sunburn and skin cancer from the sun’s ultraviolet radiation, a form of energy that is strong enough to affect the chemical structure of body tissue – down to the molecular level. Many organizations can be thanked for this. For instance, the US Environmental Protection Agency […]

What are floaters? How do they start? What can be done?

Often patients will visit their eye doctor worried as they have encountered a change in their eyesight. They have suddenly started to notice “dark spots” in their side vision that seems to float. In most cases, these dark spots are what we call “floaters”. What is even more important, floaters can be a sign of […]