Archive for the "Health" Category


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Better intimacy through Communication One Mans Suggestions

Couples usually exchange only a few words during intimacy, and most of the time, the sounds that are uttered do not mean much, beyond expressions of appreciation or pleasure. But sometimes, couples need to do more than simply grunt at one another. In many cases, they may need to get into more detailed discussion about […]

Avoiding Thinning Manhood Skin – Do’s and Don’ts for Cortisone Use

Cortisone creams are commonly used for a wide range of itchy skin conditions; in fact, they are one of the products that people reach for first whenever a rash, itching or redness occurs. Creams like this may be effective for certain types of skin ailments, and they are generally considered safe – in fact, they […]

How to Have Better Intimacy – A Couples Guide to Vibrating Toys

Adult toys can add a new dimension to a couple’s shared activities; some men may be surprised to learn that a vibrating toy can be used to make his tool an extremely happy male organ. Because vibrating toys have for so long been thought of as primarily a woman’s toy, many men don’t think about […]

Weird Manhood Bumps and What They Mean – One Man’s Painful Experience

Words like “smooth” and “hard” are often used to describe an excited male organ. But what happens when the best word a man could use is “lumpy” or “bumpy”? It can be a scary thought, and that change in appearance could make a man frantic for a male organ care solution that could help. It is not […]

A Healthy Manhood Depends on Protection – Choosing the Right Rubber for the Best Experience

Sensually active men know that maintaining a healthy manhood requires wearing rubbers, both to help prevent pregnancies and to help prevent the spread of transmissible diseases. While many men do not relish the experience of wearing rubbers, proper male organ care demands their use. The good news is that there are more rubber options available than ever […]