Archive for the "Health" Category


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Which Carrier Oil Should I Choose?

Carrier oils (or base oils) are vegetable oils made from the oily part of plants like the seeds, nuts or kernals. They are used to dilute essential oils (which are too strong to use in their pure form), and can be used to produce a massage oil or a facial oil, and treat a number […]

How To Look Pretty – Best Tips 2011

Clean up. Remove acne breakouts from your face. Use a light moisturizer that’s oil free and contains SPF 15 or higher. If you have inflammation from Rosacea use Aveeno Ultra Calming facial clean and moisturizer, it really works wonders. And also clean your hair every other day, unless you are a victim associated with dry […]

Aloe Vera: Great for Lips, Cheeks And All Over

Aloe Vera has a reputation as being nothing more than a folk remedy, but its rise in popularity in recent times has been accompanied by a number ofreputable scientific tests validating its success in treating a wide range of conditions. In fact, its many healing uses have seen it hailed as “nature’s pharmacy”. It’s also […]

Texas Rehab Centers: Learn About Modern Treatment Techniques

According to a survey by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, as many as 23.5 million people aged 12 or older suffered from drug or alcohol abuse issues in 2009. However, only 2.6 million addicts received professional treatment at a rehab facility. Sadly, while Texas rehab centers offer unparalleled treatment assistance, not everyone […]

The Efficiency of Revitol Hair Removal Cream

If you are actually one of the billions suffering from unwanted hair growth in spots that is entirely unwanted, then you may be actually in the lookout for a resolution to the issue. An effortless resolution to this is actually to just shave, pluck or wax. But that might lead to darkening spots hen skin […]