Archive for the "Health" Category


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Pickwickian Syndrome and Its Consequences on the Human Sleep Cycle

What’s this syndrome about and just how did it get its name? This problem is often present in obese folks. Their excessive weight leads to strong pressure against the chest walls. Therefore, breathing is disrupted. This syndrome is characterized by an obese person’s difficulty in breathing deeply or rapidly enough. As a result, the blood […]

Meladerm; My Skin Looks Better Than Ever

If you’re anything like me than you probably know all about feeling negatively towards your skin. My main concern was acne scars. When I was a kid, I used to always pick at my zits; which left behind nasty scars all over my face, back and upper arms. No matter how hard I tried, I […]

Meratol Helped Me Lose The Weight

Today, I wanted to take a few moments to talk to you about my personal experience with Meratol. I began using Meratol just a few shorts months ago and this product has completely changed my life. I was one of those people that I’m sure you’ve heard about time and time again; I did everything […]

Wartamine; No More Genital Warts

Genital warts aren’t something that I usually talk about but I’ve heard about a lot of people suffering from them online and I thought it was time I spoke up. Believe me, I have wanted to in the past but it’s hard enough for me to admit to myself that I have them; so speaking […]

No More Hemorrhoids With Venapro

There’s nothing more painful then hemorrhoids. Not only are they physically painful but they’re emotionally painful and draining as well. Only those of you who have personally experienced them can fully understand what I’m talking about. You want to have a good day but your hemorrhoids always seem to have the last say. Sometimes it’s […]