Archive for the "Health" Category


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How Can Sinus Infection Home Remedy Help You Deal With Sinusitis?

Sinusitis is a common ailment which affects several people across the globe. These usually happen when an infection is present inside the cavities of the nose. Sinusitis is a condition which makes it difficult to breathe causing several discomforts like fever and headache. This is popularly known as sinusitis. Sinus infections are painful and often […]

Pragmatic But Myopic Approach To Cure Addiction

Drugs is in news once again; how far can drug addicts go for drugs is known to everyone, now; how far do you think families, drug rehabilitation centers and government can go to get addicts cure? Well; answer to this is being practiced at Russia’s rehab center which cages addicts together on a double Decker […]

Mesothelioma Staging System – Butchart System

The Butchart system of staging Mesothelioma cancer is commonly used for staging Pleural Mesothelioma, which manifest itself in the thin lining that surrounds the lungs. This system organizes Mesothelioma cases based on the size of the main tumor. It is one of the oldest forms of staging Mesothelioma cancer patient’s illness levels and treatments. Origins […]

Home Remedies For Nail Fungus, Simple And Effective Ways

Nail fungus, scientifically known as onychomychosis is caused by the tiny organisms known as tinea unguium. It begins as a yellow or white spot under the nail and will spread to the entire nail causing discoloration of the nail. The edges begin to crumble and become a potentially painful problem. Nail fungus usually develops on […]

Home Remedies For Nail Fungus, Easy And Simple Natural Cure

Nail fungus, also known by the name of Onychomycosis is a fungus infection of toenails and fingernails caused by tiny organism. There are certain factors which may cause nail fungus such as prolonged dampness of the feet, entry of fungus through broken nail, weak toenails and multiple cuts on the skin which allow the entry […]