Archive for the "Health" Category


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Risk Factors for Atrial Fibrillation

Many people are suffering from atrial fibrillation (AF) but they are not aware of it because this kind of heart disease rarely shows symptoms. Through a life line screening though a person will be able to find out if he has AF and undergo the necessary medical procedure to prevent stroke. AF is defined as […]

Helping Clear Up Chemo Brain

Chemotherapy is a toxic process used to treat patients with brain tumors or other cancerous cells within the brain. For people who are lucky enough to survive a brain tumor with an effective chemotherapy process, the side effects of this therapy can be beyond debilitation themselves. Once such side effect that lingers after therapy is […]

Proven Memory Training Techniques and Tactics

Memory loss is something that many people deal with as they age. This inability to remember things over time is not something that we all have to live with though. There are plenty of memory training exercises that we can use now to not only prevent memory loss from happening but also to exceed our […]

Order hCG Online and Lose Weight Fast

The hCG diet program has grown in popularity lately because a lot of people have tried out this weight loss program and achieved success.  If you want to join the many people who have achieved weight loss success through the hCG, you have to know where to access it.  You also have to make sure […]

Memory Exercise to Help You Remember Things

Our brain may be the most important, yet most undertrained part of our body. Most people don’t realize that you have the ability to train your brain to get it to function more efficiently just as you would train a muscle to do the same. Using just one memory exercise a day can drastically increase […]