Archive for the "Health" Category


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Eating Healthy – Tips To Eat Healthy Foods

A diet expert from France once said that he have studied over 600 diets but he found that the most healthy and easy one from these is the diet mentioned by Muhammed the prophet of Islam as he said something in the meaning of “We – Muslims – don’t eat till we become hungry and […]

Don’t Be a Stranger To Your Heart

How well do you know your heart? How is its rhythm? Do your cardiac chambers have the right size? Are you prone to heart attacks? It only takes an ECG device to get the answers to all of these questions and determination to preserve that single heart of yours. The heart is one of the […]

Why Prevention is Better Than Cure

How do you picture yourself 25 years from now? Watching your grandchildren play football from a wheelchair or being out there with them kicking a field goal? Who wouldn’t choose the latter, right? Life line screenings allow people to plan their future and make improvements in their present life in order to achieve their goals. […]

Fasting To Lose Weight – Fasting Is A Fast Way To Lose Weight

Millions of people all over the world want to lose weight and search for the best way to burn fat. They look for the best diet, exercise or the latest weight loss pill. But why not keep it simple and natural? Natural solutions most of the time are very useful and more effective than other […]

Peter Goodgold – Which Water-Works-4-U?

A philosophical saying – All the water that will ever be is, right now! And without water, extinction survives. Everything that shows the signs of life is water. Water from different places of origin; either a sea or a river, from glaciers to oceans, contains different forms of minerals and soluble compounds. This results in […]